Exciting News About My Classroom Blog…


Photo Credit: timparkinson via Compfight cc

Today I received the last parent permission form!  All of my students have permission to take part in our classroom blog.  (Insert happy dance!!) I am thrilled that all my parents are onboard with having their child participate in blogging.  My grade two’s are so excited about blogging and learning more about it.

Today I put Ms. Cassidy’s blog on the Smartboard so we could explore what a classroom blog can look like.  We read some of the posts on their classroom blog page and then explored some of student’s learning pages.  As a class we also started to talk about what a digital footprint was and why it is important to have a positive digital footprint.  I am going to continue to teach lessons about creating a positive digital footprint because it is important for children to know that what they put on the internet stays on the internet.

Next I opened our classroom blog on the Smartboard and as a class we explored what pages I have added onto our blog so far.  My students are really excited to choose what colour their learning page is going to be.  After I turned my students attention to the about me section on their learning page.  As a class we brainstormed what they could say for the about me page.  I wrote their ideas on the Smartboard and we created some sentence starters to help them create their first post.  To make it easier for my students I had them write their ideas down in their journals.  Tomorrow I am going to have my student’s type out their entry onto their learning blog page. (I hope it goes smoothly tomorrow!)

This week I also want to:

*Have my students create art work for the top of their learning page pictures.

*Create an avatar for their page.

*Create a post or two as a class to add to our classroom blog page.

*Send out a letter to parents explaining a little bit more about our classroom blog and provide them with the link so they can check it out!

Have a look at our classroom blog and see how it evolves over the week!


    • Thanks Alec! Getting the last form yesterday made my day! I am thrilled that all of my students will be able to be a part of the blogging experience. I am looking forward to this journey with my students and seeing how it evolves over time.

      I will have a look at my settings and try to change it to allow for easier conversations. Thank you for your advice!


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